Gloria In Excelsis



through the wilderness

Climbing a mountain

of passion burning

from just a single spark

The pure fragrance

of holy incense

Your sacred presence

in the deepest dark

throughout the longest night

In the shadow

of your wings

I find peace sublime

Celestial rest in the midst

of an endless cosmic fight

Yet with dreams

and visions flowing


of wrong and right

The Truth outstanding

with wisdom

in the experiencing


The laying down of arms

and making tracks

Strength and resilience

by the Spirit’s persistence

spoken into the silence

through broken cracks

Gloria In Excelsis

The earth delving

The sky scraping

Time to lay down your mask

Seeking … weeping

within the brokenness

Beyond all that has past

a blaze of glory towering

The Great Spirit searching

The angels singing

Dragon slaying

Victory at last

upon the boundaries riding

Riding with the King

Liberty guiding

Freedom restoring

My daily bread


A milk and honey tomorrow


Passing over

that river crossing

of yesterday


yet miraculously maintained

Was I drowning

in those waters of strife?

The pathway always beckoning

ever calling

Choose Life !

A decision willing

Nothing lasts

Nothing truly lost

Going with the flow

Gone at great cost

~ by David B. Redpath © 2018-19

Salvador Dali’s bedroom ceiling
~ Figueres, Spain.

David B. Redpath © 2018-19

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