56 thoughts on “Larrakia”

      1. efn A!!!! lets see theres that one from that department and the two ones from down the hall oh yes the whole lot at HR lol just kidding i love my bunch but i’m loving the thought of Sinners tee hee!

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      1. But are we healthy meat? Never mind, Mrs Crocodile can use our bones to make necklaces.
        I just thought of a crocodile showing their newest shoes to their friends — ‘from human skin’

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    1. Yes, I got Linda to try out the Croc Kebabs
      as I didn’t feel like chicken tonight 😎
      Travelling through to the Top End has
      been an eye opening education regarding
      the “lifestyle choices” of the original indigenous inhabitants.
      Facilitated by those whites who profit
      from selling the grog.
      We spent a day on the Tiwi Islands,
      a no alcohol ‘dry’ zone, and the locals
      seem to be most happy.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Surprisingly fresh, thanks Chris.
      There’s nothing quite like eating
      your national emblem for dinner.
      Despite the rubbery after taste.
      According to my understanding of
      Zen Buddhism, there’s no problem
      eating road kill. It’s all about some
      poor creature’s bad karma, and not
      wasting it’s life essence.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually fasted whilst at the beach
      market. There was way too much to
      choose from (plus I’m not a fan of
      consuming our national emblems)
      Darwin is painted lady, reclining
      I tropical coastal splendour 😎

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