The Writing On The Wall

Can you hear

a whisper in the air

with that certain scent

the serene accent

of a reality much higher ?

Like the clockwork

of a Wagnerian concert

upon a flow of celestial poetry

Do you have an ear to hear?

When it comes down

to the state of the heart

do you even care?

🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆

Do you have eyes to see

the grand plan?

The same hand

that charts the eternal

and creates the parts

of an incalculable total

is ever reaching

out to open hearts

Are you willing and able?

🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆🔆 🔆 🔆

Where divine love is King

freedom in the spiritual

is a sure thing

To rise above

the madness material

The Prince of Peace

he patiently awaits

Yet violence and chaos

seems to be

the endless price

of this broken existence

Soul slavery with a bitter sting

There is a freedom express

that passes the taste test

with a sweetness that surpasses

every other earthly thing

Can you feel it tingling?

🔆 🔆 🔆🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆

Can you feel it?

The Spirit revealing

with such a rush

of Kingdom meaning

and just a touch

of forever pleasure

Once I was lifted up

through the ceiling

for a heavenly meeting

that left me reeling

with a joy beyond measure

I can still hear

those angels singing

Are you a true seeker

of hidden treasure

deep down at the core

with a thirsting for more?

Can you hear that gentle voice

whispering at your door

🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆



your very biology

all supernaturally

in harmony

beyond the mathematical

pointing to a greater whole

Can you read

the writing on the wall?

Down deep in your soul

are you hearing

the whispering

of a celestial call ?

🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆 🔆

~ David B. Redpath © 2021

“One of the main functions of
organized religion is to protect
people against a direct experience
of God.”

“God has fallen out of containment
in religion and into human hearts
– God is incarnating. Our whole
unconscious is in an uproar from
the God Who wants to know and
to be known.”

“If our religion is based on
salvation, our chief emotions will
be fear and trembling. If our
religion is based on wonder, our
chief emotion will be gratitude.”

– Carl Jung

“A little unequivocal salvation,
a free gift the likes of which you
can never repay, goes a long way
towards a threshold of eternal
wonder … the dawn of a new day.”

– David Redpath 😇 🕶️

David B. Redpath © 2021

78 thoughts on “The Writing On The Wall”

  1. Can you hear it coming?
    Coming on the air tonight!
    Always a thought provoking write. Congratulations papa and mama bear, on baby bear. A 9 month miracle in the making. 🎉💫😎

    Liked by 4 people

  2. That is one beautiful baby you have nestled in your arm. What a blessing for your family!
    I particuarly appreciate the quotes from Carl Jung, particuarly the first one, which I heard from my dad many times. (He was an Episcopal priest.)

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Carl Jung is my favourite shrink 😎
      May explain my shrunken head, Liz.
      He diagnosed correctly that religion
      needed a good stirring. He was
      inclined to throw the baby out with
      the bathwater, and start all over again,
      which I guess is a natural conclusion
      when you see the damage done by
      weaponized religion.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. That pic of you and Lovely Lindy and the baby!!!! Are you a granddaddy now? I was just missing your beautiful words and images. Happy to get a fix. Looking radiant all three, I might add 😇👼🤓🕶💕 Heartfelt congrats.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you most grandiosely, Lia 💖
      Yes, I have contacted that grand
      condition ☑️ I’m not exactly sure
      just how it all happened❓🤔 🕶️
      One minute we were just two 🐰🐰
      the next thing I knew it was a plus
      seven situation. Apparently that’s
      the way the multiplication ball 🥎
      keeps on rolling 😎

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amazing David. Yes the creative powers work in mysterious and often joyous ways. Lovely when they result in a(nother) healthy and well-cared-for precious babe. 💕🌱🐇 Thanks for sharing this new little miracle with us. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

  4. From my early catechism before I broke away from organized religion: “Confession is the telling of our sins to a duly authorized priest, for the purpose of obtaining forgiveness.” I felt I could talk to God directly… which works for me to this day. Peace, David.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a beautiful grandchild, David. And your words are wonderfully comforting. I’ve never been a fan of organized religion. Too many boundaries and I feel I don’t need a middle man between me my faith.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for imbibing, Eugenia 🙏
      Yes, the Word is very accessible,
      and inclusive. Truth doesn’t build
      walls and fences. It liberates. The
      fact that I’m still around to count grandchildren is a testament.

      Liked by 2 people

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