56 thoughts on “It’s a nice day . . .”

    1. Toys for boys
      are never called dolls!
      The preferred term
      is “action figure”.
      With Trump’s term
      finally over,
      he can now go home
      before his head
      gets any bigger
      He can just sit there
      in that golden tower
      and play with
      his action figure 😎

      Liked by 5 people

    1. A very sad story of avarice
      and voracious vainglory.
      After many years as an
      ambidextrous switch hitter🏏
      thanks to the Donald,
      I’m now a born again lefty 😎
      Or as the Bern would say
      a strident Euro Socialist ✊

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Counting the hours and minutes here. How do you heal or even have a conversation with a Schizophrenic that refuses to take their meds (no offense to anyone who truly suffers with this mental disease).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. As Leonard Cohen might say …

      There ain’t no cure for Trump
      There’s no cure in sight 👁️☢️👁️
      All the rocket ships are climbing
      through the sky 🚀
      The holy books are open wide 📖
      The doctors working day and night
      (Perhaps a hotshot
      of disinfectant?💉🤔)
      But they’ll never ever find
      that cure for Trump
      There ain’t no drink no drug 🍹🥴
      There’s nothing strong enough
      to be a cure for Trump 🚷

      Liked by 1 person

    1. A Jedi must always be prepared
      to go those extra light years, and
      beyond 🚀As a Sith Lord like Darth
      Mall will do anything for a buzz ⚡🍹
      The Artwork was courtesy of the
      multi-talented Multiple Michael 😎

      Liked by 1 person

      1. He did win that Geriatric Beauty
        Contest fare and square.
        Did Kamela Harris take him there?
        Did old Joe get a sniff of her hair?
        Will he outlast that four year task?
        Being an Australian libertine,
        a little bit red,
        a big bit green,
        … do I really care? 😎
        Yet, a day without Trump
        is like a breath of fresh air 💐

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Fear not, Ivor!
      He can never come back
      from Mar a Lago,
      or even his Golden Tower.
      Donald Trump has sinned.
      He can’t come back again.
      Oh no no 🎶
      I surmise
      if you’re over 65
      you lucky to be alive 😷 🕶️
      Oh yes yes yes 🎶

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