103 thoughts on “——DAVID REDPATH——”

    1. It’s the multiple magic of Michael.
      I’m actually a fugly muggle, Vic 😎
      I had to look up the Prisma effect;

      “Prisma is a photo-editing application that uses neural network and artificial intelligence to transform the image
      into an artistic effect.”

      I think artificial intelligence is the
      way to go. The real thing only leads
      to trouble 🤔


      1. Hey. There is no shame in being muggle blood. You can still be magical and powerful. Just ask Hermione.

        Fugly, you are not. I protest, strongly. 👀

        Regarding your last question…which I lost, somewhere amid the WP notices…🙄…, I never did Slave Leia. I did a Steam Punk Leia and attempted to remake a comic book-style Leia.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, I think a Goth Punk Leia would
        be a step into the dark side.
        As a snow white braided princess
        I just happened to notice, despite
        being in mortal danger and fighting
        her way out of an Empire of mess,
        she hardly got a wrinkle or a stain
        upon her lovely white dress 👀😎


    1. “A Jedi must have the deepest
      commitment, the most serious
      mind. This one a long time have
      I watched. All his life has he looked
      away…to the future, to the horizon.
      Never his mind on where he was.
      Hmm? What he was doing.”
      ~ Yoda
      For this reason I failed Jedi School 😎


      1. Lol it does almost sound like a new disease 😃
        It might just be because we
        all so happily
        reduce our complexity to ancestrally blessed
        emoji –
        expressions, guess it´s just the fashions
        of the times – here you go, I love anything
        that ryhmes 😎 Cool to meet someone from an emoji pirate lineage in cyberspace, enjoy your day mate

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Mate, couldn´t comment on your latest post but wanted to let you know I thoroughly enjoyed your emojilicious post on the explorations of Mr. Smiley and insights into his polifaceted personality, entourage and enemies. Great stuff, really fun yet deep! Rock on and continue to carry the flag of your emoji-pirate-ancestors 😎

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Greatly appreciated 🙏
        Yes, the comments section has
        taken a holiday for some reason🤔
        Hopefully it’ll be back in time for
        the next instalment of the Emoji
        chronicles? Thanks 4 tuning in to
        the Mr. Smiley Face experience ✌️


  1. That last instalment was fabulous. And so familiar. Have we been picking the same mushrooms? 😉🍄 (#justkidding 😄#tistheseason)
    “Once there Mr. Smiley Face leant flat
    up against the Wall of Emojination.”
    Loved those lines, so much.
    Comments not available in the reader on that post,
    so jotting my sillynotes here. xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Another blog-friend has this happen when he schedules posts. But in his case the “like” button is also missing, on those occasions… then mysteriously reappears a couple of days later. 😎🧐🤓#fyi #fbi #butseriously #glitches #gottalovewp

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, could be my fault for buying
        a Huawei phone? I could be getting
        hacked by the People’s Liberation
        Army, Cyber Divion. I’ve heard on
        the grapevine that they’re in league
        with Disneyland 😎

        Liked by 1 person

      3. What is with this Huawei phone business? I’m so out of the loop. I keep hearing about it but not knowing. Then again, ignorance is bliss…. “smile and wave, boys, smile and wave.” 😎🐧🐧🐧🐧

        Liked by 1 person

      4. David, I tried to tell you I didn’t want to know…(😉but really 😭) and now the bell tolls, for whom. It’s a terrible situation over there… and what can we do… but shine light. As you do. Keep shining, lantern ☀️

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m taking every precaution, thanks
      Victoria. I’ve even turned off my
      Google location ( I suspect Google
      are in league with Big Mickey. But
      don’t tell anybody 🤫) Stiil can’t
      get the comments turned back on?
      Thanks for persevering 🙏 😎


    1. They’re my prescription 4D Ray Bans,
      that give me a glimpse into the elusive
      4th dimension. Otherwise, I wouldn’t
      be able to read a Carlie Zero poem 👁️
      And they bring the multiple works of
      Michael into a kaleidoscopic focus 😎

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you muchly, Charlie 🙏
        Apart from being away with the
        Emojis 😎 been getting ready to
        do some hard travelin’ soon.
        I especially liked the Mermaid Poetry
        piece you did with Resa 👍

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Heading to the Sunshine Coast
        up north, as it’s now summer here
        down under ☀️ Looking forward
        to your collaboration, with Resa.
        And then, perhaps, she could fit
        you up with a nice dress 👗
        (for your girlfriend, of course 😎)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Been flat out like a lizard drinking,
        Charlie. Been doing time waiting
        for the sun to shine, and getting
        ready to hit the road. I noticed you
        took a bit of a break from posting.
        It’s always a positive thing to get
        out and about, and hear the birds
        sing. Too much social media can
        become a problem, when there is
        real life out there for the grabbing.
        WordPress is best when it’s used
        for creative self expression. Like
        what you do so eloquently, Charlie👍

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You are correct. Yes, I do occasionally and unexpectedly love to take a bit of a break. Clear my head and also creating new poetic themes and tone for what I love inventing and sharing them to everyone here on WordPress. 🙂
        Too much social media can drain one out. It’s always best to take a good breather and enjoy life and the moments that come with it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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