The Placebo Diaries (4)


After a fatal incision
of self infliction
I attended the autopsy
of humanity high on LSD
It was a questionable decision
. . . but that’s just me
The event was well advertised;

“Come witness the Mystery and
Rebellion at the World Famous
~ Where The Flesh Is Weak
And The Clowns Are Hungry!”

No one was meant
to leave in one piece
as a consequence
of being alive
… and even worse
on the very ground
the circus stood upon
was placed a big top curse
that even the Strong Man
could not survive
I now count my blessings
In the afterlife
I can truly thrive


Placebo Town
the path is a loop
where one can dabble
in disobedience coated in excess
while others do without
(+) ever-changing circumstances
“one must reach an end to make a start”
sailing through flames
not less than everything
having been infamous in the past
they are minutes from discovering
my identity
I’ve asked advice
but will advice come?
busloads of Japanese tourists
will battle over my remains
possibly making wind chimes
from my bones


Placebo Town
at some point in time
all children are forced outdoors
never to enter
their parent’s home again
predators and raging rivers
whisper their names
when you’re pulled over
and turned off the engine
your mind was airing out
the needs of others
questioning the particular
needs of others
at some point in time
you realized that the people
in your colorful day-to-day
are either, excitant or percipient
mother hen with chicks
mommy canopy so protective
superficial reality beating a drum
they tried to color you in
with crayons
they tried to rob you
of your pregenital thrills
“Lord have mercy child
you’re a regular James Brown!”


Placebo Metro
deep underground
The elevators go up
the escalators go down
Workers go to work
and back home again
with hardly a sound
Screens switched on
Ears plugged in
At the heart of the deal
big wheels go round
as the little wheels spin
All trained to heel
The mantra of the hive
in a collective trance;


A sign above the entrance
as they go on their way …

“You must do your best
to resist the sentient virus
… and have a nice day.
May the Placebo bless.”


Multiples have their density

refined and refined until they float

you visit yourself

you return to the past

yes, life has been cruel

family members speak of love

your pockets turned inside out

people arranged at the family table

praying for a miracle

outside the chalk outlines

an entry in the journal

of a bubonic junkie

“the first swelling”

with dry dilated pupils

I wanted to take the pills

I had them in my hand

I had them in my heart

the exit, the way home

just a swallow

my run of thoughts made audible

meanderings and small town clichés

holiday gifts:

(+) sensitivity

(+) poetic proclivities


The familiar
in the rear view mirror
Headlights searching the night
for something strange and peculiar
Euphoria ever out of range
somewhere just over the border
of Placebo Town


Lives of quiet desperation
ever asking the final question
of a terminal situation
Never silent
the answer whispering
for those who ever
bother listening
I’ve been asked repeatedly
to join the Dead Junkies Society
But the fees were exorbitant
and it demands
your total loyalty
Being free form
my allegiances
all shredded and torn
with only a dictionary
to keep me warm
I decided it just wasn’t me
So now I’m released
to see the prose in creation
Not slaving over
the homework of desperation
to submit before
the Placebo Town congregation
where life is one
verse at a time
continuous amputation


Placebo Town:

poets mired in the collection

of letters that mean nothing

the dictionary listens

to the sounds expressed

but fails to offer a definition

abstract notions in cut-up

where fire produces no light

a lifetime of articulated incoherence

emasculating kicks in the groin


Placebo Town:

a permanent solution

to a temporary problem

syphilitic sand in the hourglass


One born every minute

You’ve got to be with it

and buy into it … to win it!

Big Placebo Business

certifies this message

and Jungle Jim approves it

for all the happy denizens

and clowns with circus opinions

lining up for a big top hit

of those mystical vaccines

from authorised state religions

No cure to be found

in the man made theologies

from the secret laboratories

of Placebo Town


A reckless recluse

at the outer limits

of alien chaos

under the aperture

of a cosmic scanner

my singular prism of conciousness

was variegated by a laser blast

from beyond the calibrated spectrum


My closest contact

the Ring Master at Circus Bedlam

signed my paperwork

with a mischievous smile on his face …

‘Do Not Resuscitate!
Please wait at least
till the Kingdom to come.’

In the meantime I rest in peace

D.R. words by David Redpath ©2021
M.M. words by Michael Lewis ©2021

~ by Multiple Michael © 2021

101 thoughts on “The Placebo Diaries (4)”

  1. Wow.. I made it .. to the end … I’m a fraction ‘Lockdown’ out … and ‘partied’ out, from a Seventieth that didn’t happen ..
    Covid is alive and well .. and I am looking to hide in Victoria’s deepest well … but that’s in South Aus’, at Mt Gambier’s bottomless “Blue Lake” …but we ‘cannot’ cross the border … I’m stuck in this muck …

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Sounds like a Placebo Town lock
      down situation going on south of
      the border, Ivor. I’m still locked up
      in the far north (where it’s a lot
      warmer ☀️). Linda ❤️ and I were
      about to fly back to Victoria ❄️🥶
      but I’m not sure if Pandemic Dan
      will let us? 🤔

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Nice to be superfluous but still afford the niceties of life hey? Bummer about not being able to get back home. Money can’t buy everything it seems….Unless you’re Richard Branson…care for a 10 min joyride in me rocket Dave mate?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. As long as can take along my
        parachute, and that rabbit foot.
        Sir Richard Branson made it back
        to ferra firma. So did Mr. Amazon.
        You feeling third time lucky, Don?


      3. I did volunteer to be launched
        into outer space behind the
        wheel of Elon Musk’s Tesla
        Roadster, but he declined my
        offer saying he had some other
        dummy in mind 😢


  2. stunning, David, as always, pictorially and verbally. Not sure if I got the gist first time round; pardon me, David, while I …. the part that impacted on me was the section where children are forced from their parents house never to enter again; scary stuff but most truths are ; it’s quite a conceptual construct

    Liked by 5 people

  3. …………………………………David,

    I must say that I am shocked by Placebo Diaries (4).
    WOW……… think that I am a part of it.
    I think the fruit tree has produced its best crop.
    How can we top this ?
    I know that I never express how much I enjoy working with you.
    I guess it goes without saying.
    Just look at the quality of our efforts.
    WOW !!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Multiple thanks, Michael for
      your invaluable contribution.
      With the right collaboration
      a synergism is created,
      the sum of which defies
      individual limitations, and the
      confines of this material realm ♾️


    1. Greatly appreciated, Joseph 🙏 😎
      Weird is an uncommon commodity.

      “Everything that is new or
      uncommon raises a pleasure in the
      imagination, because it fills the soul
      with an agreeable surprise, gratifies
      its curiosity, and. gives it an idea of
      which it was not before possessed.”
      ~ Joseph Addison

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m currently on the road,
        3 thousand miles from home.
        One of those weary travellers
        you wrote so eloquently about.
        When I’m in a stable orbit, and
        able to submit, I know where
        you are, Death Star ☠️🌟

        Liked by 1 person

      1. All care given,
        no responsibility taken 😎
        Placebo is a state of mind
        The result of relentless
        social engineering,
        or a genetic predisposition,
        that is the pseudo question 🤔


      1. What? LOL I won’t tell anyone, but he should really give Dylan a shot. May not like his sound, but with visuals like that, he may just appreciate the lyrics more than he realizes.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No joke, one of my favorite songs of all time! Nicknamed my niece Tweeter, and my nephew Monkey Man LOL
        BTW: I didn’t know you could put videos in comments, so I didn’t see the first. Gimme a second to catch up

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Tom Petty would be rolling over
        in his … lawyer’s office 🤔

        I was at this concert, and I can
        even remember a bit of it 🙃 🕶️
        but the video helps a lot 😎


      4. Dylan did four nights straight
        at the big outdoor music bowl,
        in my hometown of Melbourne,
        back in 1978. I was at three
        of those concerts. To this day
        I’m kicking myself for not going
        to all four. His voice was still
        in one piece, and his big time
        band was like rolling thunder ⚡
        Dylan had just released the album
        ‘Street Legal’, a true masterpiece.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank, Princess 🙏🌹
      The Placebo Diaries are a
      collaboration between
      Multiple Michael and myself.
      That masterpiece of poetic
      linguistics, is a part of his
      contribution, including all
      the artwork 🎨

      Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s very gratifying to hear.
      Thanks KT 🙏💛
      Michael and I were shooting
      for the edge of reality 🎪 🚧 🎠
      as someone once told me
      that it’s the business of poetry
      to live dangerously 😎 🚬

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Brillant!..the cascading ride through your mind and the accompanying billboards, signs..just wild and unexpected, fascinating and highly entertaining…I was rushed all the way to the mouth of the river, finally spent and spit out and made a believer !!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. An emphatic thank you, Karima.
      The Placebo Town Diaries are
      a collaboration in dichotomous
      chaotic poetry, as all care was
      given, but no responsibility taken
      by Multiple Michael, or myself 😎
      Thanks for reading, and the kind
      comment … from yourself 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

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