
complete within itself

the truth is simple

creation a kaleidoscope

exponential by nature

and endlessly ample

reality is a prism

for many a prison

in a wasteland of oppression

for some a revelation

given a sweet taste

of heavenly amplification


shining in the darkness

passing as waves of light

through a cosmic spectrum

all things existing

the good and the bad

within a circular motion

spiraling sublime

seeking a straight line

throughout space and time

for some holy perfection

call it Nirvana

call it Heaven

or Paradise … perhaps

birth and death

a blessing and a curse

a process of great purpose

in need of salvation

from a graceless existence

of hostility and deception

given a living example

the simple truth

in the person of Jesus Christ

having once met

the man himself

in a sacred place

where the universe unites

complete within itself

“I am the way and the truth and the life.”
~ Jesus

~ David B.Redpath © 2024

18 thoughts on “Completion”

    1. Bathed in the light
      consciousness is a gift
      from the giver of life
      Thanks for getting my drift 🙏 💙
      as I swipe from wrong to right 😎

      (“Behold, I make all things new.”
      And he said unto me . . . “Write:
      for these words are true and faithful.”
      And he said unto me . . . “It is done.
      I am Alpha and Omega,
      the beginning and the end.”)

      Liked by 1 person

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