She Comes In Darkness

Ain’t it just like the night
to play tricks
when you’re tryin’ to be so quiet?
We sit here stranded,
though we’re all doin’ our best
to deny it.
And Louise holds a handful of rain,
temptin’ you to defy it.
Lights flicker
from the opposite loft.
In this room the heat pipes
just cough.
The country music station
plays soft.
But there’s nothing,
really nothing to turn off.
Just Louise and her lover
so entwined.
And these visions of Johanna
that conquer my mind.

~ Bob Dylan

David B. Redpath Β© 2020

51 thoughts on “She Comes In Darkness”

  1. Beautiful artwork David. I love the bright abstracts. And yes it is just like the night to haunt and make the mind think things it never does during the day. I guess that’s why mornings are my favorite time of day. πŸ’œπŸ¦‹

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Merci beaucoup, Michelle Marie πŸ’›
      Morning sun sorts out substance
      from the night’s shadows.

      “Inside the museums,
      Infinity goes up on trial
      Voices echo this is what
      salvation must be like after a while
      But Mona Lisa
      musta had the highway blues
      You can tell by the way she smiles.”

      ~ Bob Dylan

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Oh yes, doesn’t it? I love that about mornings. I find that what l worried about falling asleep is a mere memory or even a dream but I know it happened. Life can shock you sometimes. ~ღ
        I love that about Mona Lisa. I believe like Dylan she must have traveled many miles and perhaps never left home. I think my soul has highway miles my body never traveled but I know I was there, I have the scares and callouses on my feet. ღ

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow David I love these artworks!! πŸŽ¨πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜
    The second is my fave I think,
    looks like she’s singing,
    also the colours and layout of the third,
    but they are best all together.
    Who is this beautiful model?
    … “And, in case you haven’t noticed,
    you can look everywhere,
    Jesus symbols and all,
    and you ain’t gonna find Johanna.”
    But I think you were one of the lucky ones.
    Faith goes a long way πŸ’›πŸ˜‰πŸ™

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your appreciation is greatly
      appreciated, Lia. So, I guess,
      that makes it mutual πŸ™ πŸ’› 😎

      Since you enquired, this piece
      was inspired by the late night
      reminiscing of first love, in the
      form of one Joanne. She died in
      a formation skydiving accident
      at the age of twenty.
      Whenever I hear Bob Dylan’s
      ‘Visions Of Johanna’, I see her
      face. She was so vivacious, in
      life, that I would’ve use another
      song to describe her . . .


      She comes in colors
      She combs her hair
      She’s like a rainbow
      Coming, colors in the air
      Oh, everywhere
      She comes in colors

      Have you seen
      her dressed in blue?
      See the sky in front of you
      And her face is like a sail
      Speck of white so fair and pale
      Have you seen a lady fairer?

      Have you seen her all in gold?
      Like a queen in days of old
      She shoots her colors all around
      Like a sunset going down
      Have you seen a lady fairer?

      She comes in colors
      She combs her hair
      She’s like a rainbow
      Coming, colors in the air
      Oh, everywhere
      She comes in colors

      ~ Keith Richards/Mick Jagger

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Ah David that is such a sad story
        and such a very very beautiful song
        to commemorate such a lovely
        gone angel. πŸ•ŠπŸŒˆπŸŽΆ

        Liked by 1 person

    1. To quote Leonard Cohen, there
      is a crack in everything. That is
      how the light πŸ’‘ and the music 🎢
      gets in. Life has many shades of
      black and white, but always there
      is a concert of colour playing. Just
      for us, all best dressed up in our
      rags of light 🌈 🎨
      Sorry to disconcert you, Liz πŸ™ 😎
      Not all things are edifying . . .
      but the artist may obtain special
      dispensation🚦from the Supreme
      Commission of Creation ♾️ to go
      wandering πŸ‘£ the stony ground
      of desolation πŸ‘οΈ Sadly, they don’t
      all make it back again πŸ™ƒ πŸ•ΆοΈ

      Liked by 1 person

  3. great artwork, David and a great song by Dylan from the ‘Blonde on Blonde’ album from memory and that Stones’ song would be ‘From Their Satanic Majesties Request’ album. It’s lovely you commemorated your first love in this way πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John πŸ™ Goats Head soup
      would usually be my cup of tea 🐐
      Who could ever forget Angie, from
      I00 years ago? She was just like a
      woman, with her fog, amphetamines,
      and her pearls 😎


    1. Thanks for viewing the exhibition,
      Christopher πŸ™
      You don’t suppose that Dashwood
      Forrest would be interested
      procuring the collection for his
      London Art Gallery?
      I’m doing OK, but poor Uncle Ernie
      has gone broke with this pandemic
      lock down. It’s hard to get all the ingredients for his gourmet top
      shelf ‘Uncle Ernie’s Drug of the Day’
      franchise at the moment.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll put in the good word with Dashwood Forrest.
        Yes, I imagine Uncle Ernie has a hard time getting his ingredients with this lockdown.
        He may be yet another small businessman whose business goes down as a result of this pandemic.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Christopher.
        Uncle Ernie is now addicted
        to hydroxychloroquine since
        contracting Covid-19, and it’s
        very expensive. Especially with
        the Donald trumpeting it like a
        snake oil salesman. Anyone
        would think he has shares in
        the company? Also, Uncle
        Ernie has been feeling guilty for
        giving the virus to Tom Hanks.
        I never knew he had a conscience!
        This pandemic is really affecting
        Uncle Ernie. Not just infecting him.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Your art is really interesting – makes me want to glimpse in your mind.
    Thank you for the follow.
    Is this a song by Bob Dylan, or poetry? I don’t know much of his music but a friend once told me that he is a very good writer and composer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Msdedeng.
      The Bob Dylan quote is one verse
      from his song, ‘Visions of Johanna’.
      Going back to the 1960’s, Bob Dylan
      become a very influential protest
      singer, lending his voicing to the
      civil rights movement (like the Black
      Lives Matter movement) the growing
      anti-war movement (Vietnam), and
      generally exposing the crazy nuclear
      cold war culture pervading America
      at the time, A bit like living under
      an Idi Amin on steroids, and with
      bigger more dangerous toys.
      60 years later Dylan is still writing
      songs, still touring, and occasionally,
      still has something interesting to say.


      1. Yes, but I’m sure Melinda Gates
        let’s Bill make a mess anywhere
        he likes. Like with those highly
        experimental vaccines the Bill
        and Melinda Gates Foundation
        subjected some unsuspecting
        people with in the developing
        world 🌍


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