Le Touriste 😎 Part 9

Go Smilingly amid the noise and haste
of cyberspace, and remember what joy
there be in the service of Emo-Jo.
You are a child 😎 of the Cyberverse,
a gift of the Great Keyboard Operator,
no less than the Hash Tags and the GIFs;
you have a right to be here. So, be ever
of good cheer as a proud descendant
of the Rune, and the Hieroglyph.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
never doubt that internet is unfolding
. . . as it should.

Continue reading “Le Touriste 😎 Part 9”

Le Touriste 😎 Part 8

“God knows the secrets of your heart. He’ll tell them to you when you’re asleep.” ~ Bob Dylan

After a long hot day on the trail
riding through the desert
on his faithful camel, Kamal πŸͺ
Mr. Smiley Face settled in for the night
down that hobbit hole for hire
at the no star Barrow Creek Hotel.

Continue reading “Le Touriste 😎 Part 8”

Le Touriste 😎 Part 6

🎢 β€œElectronic Emoji
is gonna be a sudden craze
Electronic Emoji
is bound to be the very next phase
They call me Mellow Yellow
But quite rightly
my Muppet enemies
they all call me the Yellow Peril
So watch out Elmo!” 🎢
~ Donomojo
(The Ballad of Mr. Smiley Face)

Continue reading “Le Touriste 😎 Part 6”